VRC Services

Take advantage of the following resources at the Veterans Resource Center

Academic Advising & Personal Counseling

We offer academic advising to help keep you on track to meet your educational goals! Call in or stop by to schedule an appointment!

In-House Tutoring: English, Math, Sciences

Need assistance in solving math problems, or help studying in general? Ask our tutors! One-on-one tutoring and group tutoring is available in most subject areas. Our staff and tutors are knowledgeable, and may be able to assist in other subjects outside of English, Math, and Science.  


There are many scholarships available for our student-veterans. Visit the ‘scholarships’ page to find out more information for each individual scholarship that is available. 

Computer Lab, Free Printing, and Laptop Loan Program

A computer lab is available within our office to help with your course studies. Have essays and assignments to turn in? Take advantage of our free printing! Or perhaps ask our staff to borrow a laptop!

Outside the Wire

Counseling and support to veterans and their families.

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
  • Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Anger Management Strategies
  • Coping and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Exposure Therapy
U.S. Vets
Free Coffee/Tea & Snacks

Need a boost? Stop by the VRC to grab a cup of coffee or tea! Snacks are usually available as well, often provided by the Fullerton College Food Bank. 


There’s almost always engaging conversations happening, or perhaps you need a space to hang out and relax!